Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is more than just beautifying the face… it balances the whole body. In this extensive session, very fine facial acupuncture needles will be inserted into the face to increase collagen and elastin, brighten and restore, lift, help fill wrinkles and fine lines. Body points are also used to relax, renew, and restore from the inside out “anti-aging” and whole being wellness.
As with any self-care routine, these sessions are best done with consistency. The recommended length of time is 10 sessions weekly or biweekly to begin to see continuing changes. Usually, a change is seen after the first session with more noticable changes seen within 3 -5 sessions. Diet, exercise, and lifestyle are also considered.
Maintenance sessions are recommended long term, usually monthly.
To begin, schedule a session. You will fill out a specific Facial intake form which we will go over in your first session. Come in with a clean, makeup-free face, and be prepared to relax. We’ll get started with acupuncture points on the body and face. Then, moveable cupping and gua sha stones will be used. In addition, facial oil, essential oils, hydrosols, and hot towel may be incorporated.
Facial acupuncture can relax the muscles of the face and neck, create a more balanced color of the skin, reduce the appearance of scars, drain lymph to reduce puffiness, improve circulation, and stimulate blood flow.
75-90 minute sessions each
Package discounts available
Mini Facial/Sinus sessions are also available.
45 minutes each